5 questions you should ask your veterinarian

5 questions you should ask your veterinarian

  • Jan 25

Awesome life hacks by ANGRY ORANGE

5 questions you should ask your veterinarian

by Jessica Britt

Over time, I’ve been through so many things with my dogs and cat: indigestion, skin and teeth problems, allergies. It means one thing: many, many visits to the vet. I’ve learned a lot about how I should take care of them, but I have also learned to ask questions!

Let’s see which are the most important ones:

1. How often should I take my pet to the vet?

Your dog or cat should visit the animal hospital once a year. But veterinarians recommend more frequent visits, especially when it comes to an older doggo or kitty. The reason? Cat and dog years “run faster” than those of humans, and regular veterinary visits can help your furry friend stay healthy as possible.

2. I want to give my pet home-cooked food. What should it contain?

A balanced diet prepared at home should always include these 3 fundamental components: protein, carbohydrates, and fats.

A veterinarian expert in nutrition can create the most suitable diet for your furry companion. The daily diet is the most important part of his well-being and must be adapted to his age, lifestyle, or any health problems he has.

When you start giving home-prepared food to your pet, it’s always a good idea to add vitamins to supplement any deficiencies in that diet, while finding the right balance.

Source: Freepik

3. Does my dog or cat need oral hygiene?

Periodontal disease is one of the most common problems in adult dogs and cats. Bad breath is one of the first signs that your four-legged friend may be suffering from dental disease.

Without proper treatment, such as oral hygiene, problems like abscesses, tooth decay, and even discomfort when eating can occur. Besides, this can cause damage to other internal organs. The role of the veterinarian is essential to detect the problem over time. He will examine the amount of tartar or gingivitis present and propose adequate oral hygiene, always under general anesthesia.

4. Is spaying/neutering a good idea?

Vets say that through spaying and sterilization, you’re helping your pet to have a healthier life. These are essential surgical procedures that can prevent diseases such as tumors, uterine infections, or severe behavioral disorders in males.

5. Does my pet need a blood test?

Blood tests can reveal a variety of problems, from kidney and liver disease to diabetes, cancer, and other health issues that can be treated if discovered in time.

What other questions do you have for your veterinarian? 

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